Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tickets, Hazing/Bullying, and Upcoming Important Dates

DRAGONS vs. Allen football game tickets
I'll start this week's blog entry with the buzz that has been going around for the last week or so. Our office has been called daily asking if the Allen football game tickets have been sold out. Apparently there is a rumor going around that we are sold out of the Allen game tickets.  In fact, I was at lunch with a good friend of mine last week and he received a text message confirming that we were sold out of tickets!  I'm not sure where or how rumors of this nature get started.  What I am sure of is that we have not put the Allen football game tickets on sale yet.   Just like every game, we will receive an allotment of tickets and will place them on sale the Tuesday prior to the game, August 28.

Ticket prices for the Allen game will be pre-sale student $4.00, pre-sale adult $6.00, pre-sale reserved $8.00,  game-time general admission $8.00, game-time reserved $10.00.

We will receive a good number of tickets in our allotment but I do project that our allotment will sell quickly.  Ticket sale locations and times will be announced soon.   Allen will also be using Tickettracker, the same online ticket service that we use.  I will send out more information on the online sales for the Allen game when it is available.

Parent/Student-Athlete Handbook Updated
Before the school year starts spinning very fast, please take a moment to review the updated CISD Athletics Parent/Student-Athlete Handbook. The handbook is online at

I'd like to point out that we've added the CISD policy on hazing into the Athletics handbook.  With an almost teenage son and another who is three years younger, I have been educated about today's world of hazing and bullying.  Let me be very clear to all Dragon athletes and their parents, there is zero room in our athletic program for hazing and/or bullying. Our coaches and I will have very little patience for this type of behavior and I encourage any parent to contact me directly regarding hazing and/or bullying from a Dragon student-athlete.  We will win with Class and Character.

Must Attend Events
We'd like to invite all parents of 7th-12th grade Dragon athletes ot attend the CISD Athletics Open House.  We will host the CISD Athletics Open House on Thursday, August 23 at the Carroll Sr. HS Auditorium from 6:00pm-7:00pm and then Dr. Greg Dale, the Director of the Sport Psychology and Leadership Programs for Duke Athletics, will present to parents The Sport Parent: Helping Your Child Maximize His or Her Potential. Sponsored by CABC, all 7th-12th CISD parents of student-athletes are invited to the open house. Read more about Dr. Dale here:

On September 20, SPARK (Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids) will host a town hall meeting about drugs, alcohol and the realities of our kids' world called Not My Child? Not My Problem!  The meeting will be at Carroll High School from 7:30pm-9:00pm.  Please join us for the parents only meeting and learn what we can do to help our kids. 

Volleyball Games Begin this Week
Monday vs Richardson Pearce at CSHS.  Help kick-off the year for the girls as they start on what is going to be a great year in volleyball.

For the last item this week, I'd like to thank all of our CABC volunteers.  From the Dragons Den to membership to program ad sales, we have the best volunteer army in Texas!  CABC Volunteers, thank you for all that you do for our program.  Anyone who is not a CABC volunteer and would like to be one, please email me and I'll get you coordinated with CABC.

Please log-in and stay in touch with what is going on in our program. In addition to this blog, you can follow us on SLC Athletics on Facebook

Until next time, GO DRAGONS!
Coach Ozee
Email Coach Ozee

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