Sunday, August 19, 2012

Open House- This Thursday, Aug. 23

Dear Dragons,

We will host the CISD Athletics Open House on Thursday, August 23 at the Carroll Sr. HS Auditorium from 6:00pm-7:00pm and then Dr. Greg Dale, the Director of the Sport Psychology and Leadership Programs for Duke Athletics, will present to parents The Sport Parent: Helping Your Child Maximize His or Her Potential. Sponsored by CABC, all 7th-12th CISD parents of student-athletes are invited to the open house. Read more about Dr. Dale here:

Approxmately 8 million youth partcipate in sports each year in the US.  Unfortunately, almost 70% quit playing by high school. Furthemore, we are seeing a dramatic increase in over-use injuries in youth.  Come out and listen to Dr. Dale's presentation on how to make your son/daughter's experience in Dragon sports great. In addition to Dr. Dale, our coaching staff and I will be on hand to meet you and answer questions. We'd like to invite all parents of 7th-12th grade Dragon athletes ot attend the CISD Athletics Open House.  

On Friday, Dr. Dale will spend time with our coaching staff to bring together Thursday's message.  It is our staff's goal to work with parents and student-athletes to provide the best experience in interscholastic athletics in the nation and it will take all of working together. 

Thursday evening is crucial to the success of our student-athletes, our program, and for some of our future initiatives in CISD Athletics.

The Dragons Den will also have some items for sale at the open house. 

Another Must Attend Event:
On September 20, SPARK (Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids) will host a town hall meeting about drugs, alcohol and the realities of our kids' world called Not My Child? Not My Problem! The meeting will be at Carroll High School from 7:30pm-9:00pm. Please join us for the parents only meeting and learn what we can do to help our kids

This week's game balls go to Lady Dragon Volleyball Players Christin Sikora, Taylor Gruenewald Courtney Ensch, and  Danielle Proskovec for being named to the All-Tournament Team. Cat McCoy was named Best Defensive Player, and Katie Dunlap was named as Tournament MVP.  The Lady Dragons represented us well at the Duncanville Volleyball Tournament winning the title for the 2nd year in a row.

Also, congratulations to Aimee and Doug Tekell on the birth of their boy, Kinsler. Kinsler was born August 14th with stats of 7lb 14oz. / 20 in.  Aimee coaches at DMS and Doug coaches at CHS.

See you at the game,
Coach Ozee

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